5 PR angles that immediately pique journalists’ interest

Do you ever get questioned about the type of stories that make it to certain publications? We get that question a lot. It’s certainly a fact that specific PR angles or news stories are more favourable to reporters, editors and producers, and lead to them putting your story out there. It all starts by piquing their Read More

How to Build Buzz for Your Business using Breaking News Alerts

We are living in an age where you have more outlets than ever before to get your news out: on your television, on your computer, on the radio, in the newspaper, and on your phone. But did you know that you can use breaking news to promote your book or business? If a certain news Read More

3 Steps to Dynamic Infographics

Given our fast-paced lives and increasing demands on our attention, if you communicate a message, you must do it fast. Infographics are effective for this. As the Web has become our most-used communication device, infographics have exploded. Check your Pinterest and Instagram feeds; you’ll see dozens of infographics on a many topics. They are the Read More

Carving An Identity: Tips on Branding Your Small Business

Branding is just as important for small businesses as it is for big names. Branding is a way of defining your business to yourself, your team and your external audiences. It could be called the business’ “identity”, but only on the understanding that it embodies the core of what the business is and its values, not Read More

6 Best Practices for your Facebook Contest

Have you been thinking of running a Facebook contest for your business? We recently sat down with a client who is ready to develop one for his page in 2016. Before we get started with them however, it is critical that everyone is up to date on Facebook contest best practices to ensure the contest Read More

5 Marketing Strategies that don’t involve Social Media

When coming up with marketing plans for your business, social media has become a given. But what else can a business do to reach people? Here are some ideas that don’t involve likes, shares or tweets: Ambassador programmes An ambassador serves as representation for the brand and can help spread the word in his or Read More